
FPGA development

Our experience includes developing and prototyping the significant number of complex IP cores. The on-going development of on-chip infrastructure supporting HDL model acceleration in FPGA gives us unprecedented intimacy with Xilinx architectures. Therefore we can easily handle designs spanning from simple functional blocks (like SPI controller) to complex interfaces (like AXI bus controller) or computational modules (e.g. Digital Beam Forming for SAR system) or an entire Systems-on-Programmable-Chip.

Technologies and application areas that we support include:

  • Xilinx® Vivado and ISE, MATLAB® HDL Coder,
  • use of High- Level Synthesis in prototyping and implementing complex algorithms in hardware,
  • implementation of DSP algorithms,
  • digital beam forming networks,
  • DC and AC stepper motor controllers,
  • interface controllers and chip infrastructure elements,
  • implementation of systems on a programmable chip – So(P)C with MicroBlaze, SecretBlaze, PicoBlaze soft-cores and ZYNQ SoCs and MPSoCs.

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